What is career guidance

 career guidance help people in providing them with knowledge, skills ,information to choose the right career the term career guidance has been around for many years and can be said to be the process of career analysis of course finding the right career at the right time is an act of mentoring others about career it is the one who help us choose the right and answering many questions related to career guidance or career

 career guidance is an important step for individuals to understand their ability ,interest, goals values and choose a suitable career understand the doubts about career path and then take the right decision

in general many people spend a lot of time in some other profession it is very necessary to choose the right profession in which  one should get natural satisfaction, peace etc or one will feel restless   choosing a career is the most important stage for the youths

 usually only few individuals choose the right suitable career at right time and also get  developed  in their life. but many people  in their lives without choosing the right career  regret that they could have not done this some people select the career randomly if they can’t do that career they think that it is not possible for them to do and try the another one the few point which are very important for career guidance

 self assessment

First of all what are my strengths

 what is my weakness

 Am I interested in it

 does it fits my personality

 will my chosen career benefit me

 can I do this career till the end

 do I have the skills required for choosing career

 is this how I value myself

 every person have certain characteristics and specialization

 What are my strengths

 to give my own example I can teach well, I can write and give trainings this is my strength  so identify your strength